Introducing Students to Renzulli Learning with
Happy Dreamer, by Peter H. Reynolds
This month’s Best Practice comes from Ms. Erin Roads, a fifth grade teacher from Nathan Hale Arts Magnet School, in New London, CT.Activity: Introductory Read Aloud with Scholastic PDF activities to do prior to taking the Renzulli Learning Profiler
Reading Comprehension Skills:
Author’s Purpose, Making Inferences, Theme, Text to Self
- I introduced the title of the book by asking students to describe what kind of thoughts about themselves made them happy. When they daydream, what are they doing?
- While reading, we stopped at various points and I asked students if they could identify with the character in the book and to provide their own examples of their dreams.
- After completing the book, I asked them to think about what sort of dreamer they are.
- They wrote their name on a post it and stuck it onto the Happy Dreamer Poster example (included n the link below, and printed as a large poster to hang on the wall) that best describes them, which will also help me to group them later by interests.
- They were then eager to complete the “I am a ______ Dreamer” picture (included in the link below).
- When we finished, students shared their pictures with the class.
- Students enjoyed cutting out the motivational fortune teller (included in the link below) that goes along with the story, learning how to fold them, and using them together.
- In conclusion, the class had a discussion that there are infinite possibilities to our dreams. When thinking about our unique interests, talents and hopes for the future, there are no limits. I explained to them that they would be taking the Renzulli Learning Profiler next, which was going to help them get to know themselves a little more, in regards to how they learn and how they would best demonstrate their learning. We also discussed how everyone is unique and that we all can offer a special perspective to any given topic.
Click here for Scholastic materials to support the text: http://www.scholastic.com/pdfs/HappyDreamerKit.pdf