Renzulli Learning Feature
Renzulli Games
Creativity activities help develop students’ talents, innovation, and freedom to explore new ideas. Renzulli Games were designed to cultivate creativity and empower students to become the next generation of leaders and innovators!
Students can develop their creativity and critical thinking skills through hundreds of research proven games in Renzulli Learning. Renzulli Games are designed to teach students basic skills involved in creative production and promote one or more of the four creativity domains (fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration). The goal of these creativity games is to enhance and develop students’ creative or divergent production abilities.
You can try Renzulli Games for free with our 60 Day Free Trial!
- Why Is Developing Creativity Important?
Research demonstrated that almost all children have the potential to think more creatively, and that creative production can be improved by providing the kinds of learning experiences that foster the use of imagination. Creativity is a dynamic process that involves “a new way of looking at things” and our activities are designed to broaden the way that students see their world and increase their creative potential.
- Why should teachers teach creativity?
1. Teaching students creativity and creative thinking skills makes learning more engaging and enjoyable and enables students to be enthusiastic about learning.
2. Creativity enables the development of higher-level thinking skills, such as critical thinking skills, and executive function skills as well as higher-level cognitive skills that prepares our students for future degrees and careers.
3. Creative thinking opportunities reduce underachievement and result in the development of positive social and emotional learning, as well as a passion for learning.
Examples of
Renzulli Games

Thinking About Things
When you visit a library, have you ever noticed that all books of a certain type are grouped together? You will find all the books about sports in one place and all the books with mystery stories in another place. For some reason, people like to group together things that have certain characteristics in common. In this activity, see how many things you can think of that have the same characteristics.

Alternate Uses
We can often find uses for things that were originally intended for some other purpose. For example, children sometimes use old boxes for doll houses or as a place to keep their toys. For each of the following objects, list as many interesting and unusual uses as you can. Let your mind wander and try to think of some uses that no one else has ever thought of. List all the ideas that come to mind, even if they seem silly or impractical. You may change the objects to suit your purposes.

Feelings (a)
Draw the following prompt. What things make you happy?

Word Boxes
Complete the following puzzle. Complete the Word Boxes below by thinking of words that fit in the spaces provided.

Let’s Write a Slogan
See if you can create three slogans for each of the types of businesses listed below. Try to make the slogans short, interesting and memorable. You can make up names for the businesses or use the names of businesses in your community.
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