Spotlight on Sources:
Welcome to Renzulli Learning’s Spotlight on Sources, some of our most engaging resources to excite and inspire your students!
Creativity is a tool that all students need practice with! Renzulli Learning has thousands of creativity training resources for students of all interest areas. Have students click on My Enrichment Activities and explore the category “Creativity Training”. You can also search the phrase “renzulli” to find creativity activities created by Joseph Renzulli! These activities can be found in both Spanish and English. Simply print the PDF or add the activity to your students’ favorites.
For Children Grades K-12:
New Directions in Creativity Mark 1, Cartoon Captions by Joseph Renzulli
Be creative and use your sense of humor to write captions for each cartoon picture. Have fun with this one!
Don't ever let an adult tell you that playing isn't important! When asked what inspired them to become inventors, some adults tell stories about playing during childhood. Learn how everyday play connects the ordinary to the creative and to invention.
Check out a few of our favorite activities below!
To locate these activities within Renzulli Learning you can SEARCH Enrichment Activities and type in the title of the activity you would like to locate. For more ideas to infuse enrichment activities with your curriculum, please visit the Unit Supplements on the Teacher Site, under “Teach.” We can also link these enrichment resources to your regular curriculum if you send us a theme or topic.
New Directions in Creativity Mark 1, Time to Rhyme by Joseph Renzulli
Develop brainstorming skills by grouping words together according to sound rather than meaning. See how many words you can think of that rhyme with the listed word.
New Directions in Creativity Mark A, Pictures Tell Stories by Joseph Renzulli
Are you ready to write a story? Look at a series of cartoon pictures and tell an original story using your imagination.
Welcome to Seussville
Welcome to Seussville! Here you can read a biography of the amazing Dr. Seuss. Then play some games, such as "The Cat in the Hat Cleans This and That" or "Horton Hears a Tune!" You can also create your own animated story. This is a great site for anyone who loves Dr. Seuss books!
Many things are more useful to us because they have been made smaller or larger. In this activity, you can try to think of a list of things that would be improved if its size were changed.
New Directions In Creativity Mark 1, Making Words With Prefixes and Suffixes by Joseph Renzulli
Discover how adding a prefix or a suffix to a word usually results in a change in both meaning and pronunciation. See how many words you can make using the prefixes un-, re-, dis-, non-, inter-, and mis-. Then make words using the suffixes -ship, -ism, -ness, -ful, -ly, and -able. You'll be amazed at how many you can come up with!
What Would Happen If by Joseph Renzulli
What would happen if you were twenty feet tall? Or what if you were only three inches tall? Use the situations here to brainstorm some creative answers to these questions.
"The nation's artistic heritage — our paintings, sculpture, architecture, fine crafts, and photography — offers unique insights into the character, ideals, and aspirations of our country." This website from the National Endowment for the Humanities uses artistic masterpieces to teach American and world history. The themes include Leadership, Freedom and Equality, Democracy, Courage, Landscapes, and Creativity and Ingenuity. Each image at this site serves as a window into history and the people who made it!
Using a simple figure, make interesting and unusual drawings of as many real things as you can. Use your imagination to make this simple shape into something great!
This activity will excite writers and poets. It develops the ability to convey mood and feeling through haiku poems. The lines in a haiku poem do not have to rhyme. Instead, syllables are used to create rhythm. See if you can write your own haiku!
Whether it is classical or rock and roll, almost everybody loves music. Music lovers can explore this site to listen to performances, learn the names and sounds of instruments that make up an orchestra, and write about different kinds of music. Be sure to check out the "Music Studio" link to experiment with your favorite kinds of music.
Do you have a project due for school? Do you want to impress your friends or parents with a cool presentation? Use this resource to make easy and neat graphs. Customize your graph's design, colors, data, and labels, and then print or save it. Just follow the simple steps and you'll have your own graph in no time.
"The nation's artistic heritage — our paintings, sculpture, architecture, fine crafts, and photography — offers unique insights into the character, ideals, and aspirations of our country." This website from the National Endowment for the Humanities uses artistic masterpieces to teach American and world history. The themes include Leadership, Freedom and Equality, Democracy, Courage, Landscapes, and Creativity and Ingenuity. Each image at this site serves as a window into history and the people who made it!
Thanks for being a part of the Renzulli Learning family and we hope you find these resources helpful.
Your Renzulli Learning Team