We are delighted to announce that our Spanish Language partner, The Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), has translated the entire Renzulli Learning platform to Spanish. UNIR has also added thousands of Spanish language activities to the system, which students worldwide can enjoy.
We are especially excited that students who speak or are studying Spanish can engage in these activities, as well as the benefits of working collaboratively on projects with other Spanish speaking students. Alternatively, native Spanish speaking students can enjoy the same benefits while learning English.
Our client schools in the USA are very excited about this feature, as Spanish speaking ELL students can utilize the system in their native language. Working on Enrichment and Project Based Learning (PBL) activities in Spanish will help increase their engagement in learning, which is crucial as schools emerge from the COVID crisis.
We would like to thank the UNIR team, led by Javier Tourón, the Vicerrector de Innovación y Desarrollo Educativo and his amazing team for their contribution to Renzulli Learning, as it will benefit students and teachers worldwide.
You can also view the Renzulli Learning website in Spanish by clicking here!
"Thanks to Javier and the entire Team that worked on this wonderful project. When Sally and I started this program, we never dreamed that it would reach so many young people around the world. I wish we had partners like Javier in other countries that speak languages other than English."
- Joe Renzulli
Watch the video from Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis thanking the UNIR team here:

Learn more about the benefits of the Spanish Language system (in Spanish) by clicking the image below: