Spotlight on Sources:
Welcome to Renzulli Learning’s Spotlight on Sources, some of our most engaging resources to excite and inspire your students!
Everyone needs a hero! This week we bring you resources about some of our favorite heroes and heroines out there who have made a difference in our world. Use these resources as the starting point for a biography project!
Have your students write a journal entry to learn about multiple heroes and then choose their favorites. The possibilities are endless.

To locate these activities within Renzulli Learning:
Under the 'Teach' navigation, click 'Search'.
On the Search page, type in the title of the activity you would like to locate.
For more ideas to infuse enrichment activities with your curriculum, please visit the Unit Supplements on the Teacher Site, under “Teach.” We can also link these enrichment resources to your regular curriculum if you send us a theme or topic.

Scholastic: Listen and Read- Police Officer
Non-Fiction Books
What does a police officer do? Listen and read to find out!

What is Character?
Videos and Podcasts
What is your character? Do you think you have good character? What does it take to have good character? Learn about self-knowledge, wise decisions, heroism, and getting involved by watching this video.

Wonderopolis: Who's Your Historical Hero?
Have You Ever Wondered... Who's your historical hero? Do all heroes have superpowers? What qualities should a hero have? This website will answer these questions and more! You can also listen to the text then, test your knowledge with a short quiz at the end!

National Geographic for Kids: Women Heroes- Amelia Earhart
Research Sites
One of the world’s first female pilots, Amelia Earhart broke records before mysteriously disappearing

BBC Primary History: Ancient Greece
Get lost in Ancient Greece! Play the Greek Hero game and complete missions in the city states of Athens, Sparta, and Olympia. Investigate topics ranging from war to home life, from arts and theater to the Olympic Games, from gods and heroes to the sea and ships. Explore a timeline that covers more than 2,500 years. Many discoveries await you here!

My Heroes: Young Heroes
Not all heroes are adults! Click the link to read about young people who did not let their age deter them from their commitment to help make a difference.

Research Sites
Are you shy, from a rural area, and interested in medicine? Find famous people who share the same personality, challenges, and dreams! Explore their life stories and achievements. Discover who your mentors are, and draw inspiration from them!

Research Site
Who are the inspirations of the sports world? Do you have a hero who is an athlete? Check out this extensive list of athletes for every sport imaginable. Click on a famous athlete's name or picture to learn more about him or her.

Are you interested in science or technology? Check out these African-Americans who have made waves in the scientific and technological fields of study. Discover what it took for them to get where they are today and how you can follow in their footsteps and make history yourself!

Deborah Sampson Gannett (December 17, 1760–April 29, 1827) was one of the only women to serve in the army during the Revolutionary War. After disguising herself as a man and enlisting under the name Robert Shurtliff, she served for 18 months. Sampson was severely wounded in battle and received an honorable discharge after her gender was discovered. She later successfully fought for her rights to a military pension.

Online Activities
The ancient gods of Egyptian, Greek and Roman myths still exist, but today, they have superpowers, human foibles and secret identities. They come from comic books and graphic novels, and have taken over pop culture on the stage, screen, video games, and animation. From Superman® and Spider-Man®, to The Avengers® and The Hulk® and beyond, who are these heroes? And, how have they evolved from folklore and myth, across all cultures and religions? As you learn about how cultural myths, world events, and personal experiences shaped the first superheroes, you will apply these frameworks to create your own superhero– or you can choose to do a deeper analysis on existing comic book heroes. At last, fans, students and seekers of knowledge have the opportunity to enroll in the ultimate comic book course.

The United States is home to a diverse population that celebrates its cultural richness and variety through local festivals, community events, and other grassroots activities. These community gatherings demonstrate Americans' pride in where they come from, who they are, and where they live. Community Roots, drawing on the Local Legacies project, provides a "snapshot" of American Culture as it was expressed in spring of 2000, in communities from every state in the nation.
Thanks for being a part of the Renzulli Learning family and we hope you find these resources helpful.
Your Renzulli Learning Team