Spotlight on Sources:
Welcome to Renzulli Learning’s Spotlight on Sources, some of our most engaging resources to excite and inspire your students!
Check out our featured Projects below!

Teach Your Students how to find these Projects in Renzulli Learning:
1. Log into the student site
2. Click 'My Projects" in the header
3. Click 'Try one of our Super Starters'
4. Narrow the results by clicking 'Reading/Literature' and select the grade level
5. Click 'Add to My Projects'

An Animal's Habitat
Grades: PreK - 2
Learn how important an appropriate habitat is to the survival of any animal. You will choose and read about a specific animal. You will need to find out where it lives, what it eats, whether it is endangered, and all about its habitat. Then create a diorama of its habitat, or use your artistic ability to draw or paint your animal in its environment, to show others how your animal lives.

Adaptations and Habitats
Grades: 3 - 5
Look at the adaptive characteristics that keep animals and plants alive. Adaptations are either structural (physical features) or behavioral (things one does to survive), and some are necessary for an organism to reproduce. Once you have learned all about organisms, adaptations, and habitats, you can create a diorama, sketch a really cool coloring book, or carry out a photo shoot. If you choose the coloring book product, you will have the opportunity to enter one of your sketches in a competition or for possible publication.
A Shock to the System
Grades: 6 - 9, 10 - 12
By completing this project, you will learn that a system is a set of interacting or interdependent entities. You will research a field of study called Systems Science. Through your research, you will discover that the goal of this science is to be able to apply solutions to problems in one system to problems in other systems. Your final product for this project will be to choose a problem, study it, and create a research proposal for it. You will share your data by creating a brochure, a presentation, or a poster with information about your problem, research, and conclusions.

Epidemiology and Disease
Grades: 9 - 12
Learn about disease epidemics that have affected the world and how epidemiologists continue to study these outbreaks to this day. You can also learn about current epidemics and about those that might occur in the future. For your final project you can make a scientific poster showing how the threat of current flu strains compares to those of previous strains, or you can write and deliver a brief speech about an infectious disease that you believe deserves greater attention. If you choose to make a poster, you may want to use it as a beginning for a science fair project.
Each week, we will send you teaching suggestions and a few examples of our best and most popular resources. For more ideas to infuse enrichment activities with your curriculum, please visit the Unit Supplements on the Teacher Site, under “Teach.” We can also link these enrichment resources to your regular curriculum if you send us a theme or topic.
Thanks for being a part of the Renzulli Learning family and we hope you find these resources helpful.
Your Renzulli Learning Team