Spotlight on Sources:
Welcome to Renzulli Learning’s Spotlight on Sources, some of our most engaging resources to excite and inspire your students!
Renzulli Learning makes Project Based Learning (PBL) easy with our platform by providing a phased approach with step-by-step instructions for all students PreK-12! We have templates to support any type of PBL Project your students want to work on:
- Standard Project Template (Grades 4 - 12)
Our 5 Step Project Based Learning (PBL) Module that can be used for any type of individual or group PBL activity. - Easy PBL Template (Grades Pre-K - 3)
A simplified version of our PBL module that allows students in grades Pre-K through 3 to work on projects more independently - Super Starter Template
Preloaded customizable projects that can easily be selected by students or assigned by a teacher - Community Service Template

Teach Your Students how to find these Projects in Renzulli Learning:
1. Log into the student site
2. Click 'My Projects" in the header
3. Click 'Try one of our Super Starters'
4. Narrow the results by clicking 'Reading/Literature' and select the grade level
5. Click 'Add to My Projects'

Crack the Code
Grades: PreK - 5
Completing this project will help you to understand what codes are, as well as some tips for breaking them. You will find out why some codes were created, how they were made, and who used them. You will explore Morse code, the signal flags used on the high seas, and even a secret code used by George Washington. The final product for this project is a secret code that you write yourself! Create a code that will be really tricky for someone to break and then give it to others as a challenge.

Data Collection and Analysis
Grades: 3 - 5
In this project, you will examine ways in which data is interpreted and displayed. You will be asked to pay close attention to things around you, and then to draw conclusions and make predictions about them. For a final product, you can choose to complete a graphing project with data collected in your school lunchroom or library, or in your home; or you can work with classmates to analyze a bag of M & M candies.
Figure It Out
Grades: 6 - 9
While doing this project you will design a survey that answers a research question about a topic that interests you. You will first examine several surveys to gather information and ideas to help you write and conduct your own. Then you will choose a topic, develop a hypothesis, select a representative sample, and submit a research proposal before conducting your survey. After analyzing your results and drawing conclusions, your final product will be to create a commercial, a public service announcement, an informational brochure, or a statistical poster or project that summarizes your findings.

PP Career Choice
Grades: 6 - 12
This project guides you in browsing through a tremendous variety of career choices and helps you to choose some for further investigation. First, fill in a chart about your top interests, expression styles, and role models. Next, based on these preferences, search within Renzulli Learning and in other places for careers that might suit you, taking notes on choices that appeal to you. For a final product, organize your choices, create a display illustrating each career, and make an oral or online presentation.
Each week, we will send you teaching suggestions and a few examples of our best and most popular resources. For more ideas to infuse enrichment activities with your curriculum, please visit the Unit Supplements on the Teacher Site, under “Teach.” We can also link these enrichment resources to your regular curriculum if you send us a theme or topic.
Thanks for being a part of the Renzulli Learning family and we hope you find these resources helpful.
Your Renzulli Learning Team