Spotlight on Sources:
Welcome to Renzulli Learning’s Spotlight on Sources, some of our most engaging resources to excite and inspire your students!
Renzulli Learning makes Project Based Learning (PBL) easy with our platform by providing a phased approach with step-by-step instructions for all students PreK-12! We have templates to support any type of PBL Project your students want to work on!
Teach Your Students how to find these Projects in Renzulli Learning:
1. Log into the student site
2. Click 'My Projects" in the header
3. Click 'Try one of our Super Starters'
4. Narrow the results by selecting the grade level
5. Click 'Add to My Projects'

Awesome ABCs
Grades: PreK - 2
The focus of this project is for you to illustrate and write your own ABC book. First, you need to take a look at several good books that illustrate the alphabet. Next you can brainstorm and choose a theme—such as animals or sports—for your own book. Then make the book! Use your artistic ability to illustrate each letter with something whose name begins with that letter, and then you may write about your pictures.

Become an Investor
Grades: 3 - 5
This project will challenge you to become a better problem-solver as you become an inventor. You will learn to keep an invention notebook that will include problems you want to solve, questions you may have, and notes on the progress of your work. You will study various inventors and their inventions throughout history. Your final project will be to choose a problem and design an invention to solve it. You can show your results by actually building the invention, or by making a scientific poster showing the intended project. Last, you may choose to enter your invention in the contest offered in this project if it fits their criteria
Follow Your Dreams
Grades: 3 - 9
Complete this project to research possible career choices. You will keep a notebook to list the careers you have studied, ranking them by how much they interest you. Next, you will do some in-depth research on the career at the top of your list. You have several choices for a final product. You can create either a PowerPoint presentation or a poster about your chosen job, or you can job shadow someone in that particular field

Bud, Not Buddy
Grades: 6 - 9
The challenge of this project is to experience the conditions of the Great Depression from the viewpoint of a character in the historical novel Bud, Not Buddy. Through Bud’s eyes you can explore the themes of survival and hope in the context of the dark and desperate culture of the Depression. You will write your own list of life rules and compare them to Bud’s. Your final product choices include designing a press kit for Bud’s music career, packing a suitcase of memories similar to Bud’s to share with an audience, or writing and directing your own play from a scene in the novel.

Campaigning with Technology
Grades: 10 - 12
While working on this project, you will have the opportunity to conduct research exploring the role played by the Internet in political campaigns. For your final product, you will invent your own fictional candidate. Then you will either design a campaign website for your candidate (using PowerPoint), or create three elements of a presidential campaign: a slogan, a poster, and a 3- to 5-minute video.
Each week, we will send you teaching suggestions and a few examples of our best and most popular resources. For more ideas to infuse enrichment activities with your curriculum, please visit the Unit Supplements on the Teacher Site, under “Teach.” We can also link these enrichment resources to your regular curriculum if you send us a theme or topic.
Thanks for being a part of the Renzulli Learning family and we hope you find these resources helpful.
Your Renzulli Learning Team