Renzulli Learning’s Global Collaboration provides students with the opportunity to collaborate on projects with students from around the world. Participating schools partner both locally and internationally on an opt-in basis through Renzulli Learning.
Students can be grouped based upon any criteria within the system including interests, learning styles, and expression styles, or teachers can create custom groups. Global Collaboration within PBL experiences supports students in developing 21st Century Learning Skills and advanced executive function skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, time management, creativity skills, and global competency.
Renzulli Learning’s robust Project Based Learning (PBL) System allows students to manage their projects and collaborate within a secure environment. The system includes the ability for teachers to monitor and track student progress throughout the project lifecycle. By giving students the power of choice and voice, the result is a higher level of engagement that more closely mirrors real life settings. Renzulli Learning’s unparalleled Project Based Learning is guiding school leaders in recognizing the potential of their students, preparing students today for the jobs of tomorrow, many of which do not exist today.
Research demonstrates that being engaged in group research projects enables students to develop advanced learning skills which can then be applied to all subject areas and leads to higher academic achievement. We encourage participating Global Collaboration schools to include a culminating event for students to showcase their projects. Renzulli Learning Global Fairs provide the opportunity for students to share their work to their fellow students, teachers, parents, members of the community, and a global audience.
Renzulli Learning offers Professional Development to support your PBL efforts and is based on the research and pedagogy of Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli and Dr. Sally Reis. The Enrichment Triad Model and Schoolwide Enrichment Models are among the most widely used and researched enrichment programs in the world and are the basis for advanced PBL opportunities, including both individual exploration and small group projects, pulling together Project and Problem Based Learning.