Creativity Assessment
Renzulli Learning
Creativity Assessment
The Cebeci Test of Creativity
The Cebeci Test of Creativity (CTC) is a digital creativity assessment of the four creative domains, which include: fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration.
- The CTC is currently being widely used by Districts for Equity, Innovation and Creativity
- It has enabled school districts to easily assess the creativity of all students quickly and affordably at a fraction of the cost and is included with the User License
- The CTC allows all students to unpack their natural gifts and talents that may otherwise go unnoticed and develop those interests using Renzulli Learning

The measurement of creative ability is, however, expensive and time consuming, as most widely used assessment instruments are paper-based and scored manually. The CTC is intended by design to overcome these barriers. The CTC is a non-verbal measurement of creativity, which is completely web-based, with minimal technology requirements. A simple page of instructions and a brief tutorial is all it takes to administer the CTC. Scoring is accomplished dynamically which reduces the overall cost.
Although these students are a growing segment of our schools, due to low socio-economic status, they are rarely selected for gifted programming through traditional identification methods. The CTC aims to open the doors of gifted programs to a more diversified student population.
The CTC Enhances Renzulli Learning
The Renzulli Learning System includes a personalized strength and interest based profile for each person taking the CTC and a wide range of creativity development activities. The CTC and Renzulli Learning provide a complete solution for creativity assessment and development. The system’s dynamic database design enables usage in any language, and can help all students across the globe to develop their creativity, a critically important 21st century skill.
The CTC provides schools with an easy and cost-effective creativity assessment solution!
** The CTC, which is currently in beta, is available for preview in the Teacher Site, is included with Renzulli Learning at no additional cost.
The CTC was developed in partnership with Dr. Selcuk Acar and Dr. Nur Cayirdag of the International Center for Studies in Creativity at SUNY-Buffalo.
Dr. Acar is a leader in the field of Creativity Assessment and is the lead researcher of the CTC and he is conducting reliability and validity studies of instrument.
Dr. Cayirdag will also be contributing scientific research and publishing articles on the CTC.
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