Getting Started
To learn how the Renzulli Learning system works, refer to the user guide linked below:
Renzulli Teacher User Guide
Introduce Students to Renzulli Learning
—Enhance the Student Introduction Lesson with this Teacher Tip!
Tips for Using Renzulli with Primary Grades
Profiler Instructions:
Ready to try your own Profiler and get started with your personalized learning experience? Follow these instructions to jump right in!
Renzulli Profiler Instructions – Student EZ Read Version
Renzulli Profiler Instructions – Student Standard
Renzulli Profiler Instructions – Teacher
Visit our YouTube Channel for helpful videos and additional resources
Personal Success Plan
The Renzulli Learning Personal Success Plan (PSP) was designed to help middle and high school students carefully consider their interests, future goals and plans. The PSP is a module within Renzulli Learning and is an extension of the Renzulli Profiler.
The Renzulli Profiler provides a comprehensive learning assessment of student academic strengths, interests, and learning and expression styles. The PSP leverages the student’s Renzulli Profile results to align potential educational and career goals.
Important PSP PDF Documents:
PSP Overview | Renzulli PSP Example |
PSP QuickStart | PSP Action Planner |
PSP Student Example | PSP Art |
PSP Language Arts | PSP Math |
PSP Music | PSP Physical Education |
PSP Science | PSP Social Studies |
Renzulli Learning System Tips
Collaborative Groups:
You can create safe sharing spaces for your students to collaborate! They can post messages, upload files, and suggest resources to their classmates. The PDF below contains step by step directions on creating collaborative groups for your students.
Click here to view the PDF for the Collaborative Groups tip
Literature Connections:
Go to Literature Connections under the Teach Menu. Select New Lesson. This allows you to create differentiated, engaging lessons to complement an amazing selection of commonly taught literature! Students will each receive a specified number of activities to complete based on their Profile results – you get to set the range.
Click here to view the PDF for the Literary Connections Tip
Running Reports
You can generate student reports using the reports function of Renzulli Learning to identify which of your students have similar profiles of interests, learning styles, and expression/product styles. You will be able to read a summary of their top three or four choices in each area. This will enable you to group students.