Learn How Renzulli Learning Supports SEM
As the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) grew in popularity across the globe, Drs. Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis realized that their differentiated and personalized approach to learning was placing unusual demands on teachers’ time.
Renzulli Learning was created to assist with the interpretation of the profiler, a paper and pencil assessment for identifying individual students strengths, interests, learning styles, and preferred modes of expression. The system reduces the amount of time teachers were spending on locating the resources necessary to personalize learning for their students and for infusing enrichment activities into regular curriculum topics.
The software platform is specifically designed to make differentiation and personalized learning easy for teachers everyday in their classroom. This resource was needed to provide teachers and students with a tool that quickly and easily uses a wide array of engaging resources to differentiate the curriculum and personalize learning.
Renzulli Learning’s 4 Step Process allows students to be engaged in highly positive learning experiences more frequently.Many schools use Renzulli Learning with SEM to support general Project Based Learning, enabling students to pursue Type III independent investigations, whether directly related to curriculum units or not. This supports the development of necessary research skills while fostering independent, creative, and critical thinking.
Schools participating in the SEM Cluster format use Renzulli Learning to identify student interest areas, then leverage the powerful grouping feature to organize students into collaborative groups to pursue small group or independent projects based on a common theme, working with a teacher who is also keenly interested in that subject matter.
The Schoolwide Enrichment Model and Renzulli Learning together help schools from a variety of educational settings, including those with diverse ethnic and socioeconomic populations, to transcend many of the challenges we face in the classroom today.
Supporting Research: