Creativity Assessment and Development
Develop Your Students
Creativity is a critically important 21st Century Skills that requires innovative thinking, advanced problem-solving, and adaptable decision-making skills. At Renzulli Learning, we recognize creativity as a top priority in education, career planning and overall talent development, and prioritize fostering the creativity of your students.s.
Renzulli Learning offers an exclusive digital creativity assessment, the Cebeci Test of Creativity (CTC). The CTC evaluates four creative domains, including: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration, and provides interpretations of the results. We understand that creativity testing can be expensive for school districts. That’s why we’ve included the CTC at no extra cost! Schools can purchase Renzulli Learning for $15.00 per user.
Renzulli Learning Makes Creativity Assessment and Development Easy
- The Cebeci Test of Creativity (CTC) is a standardized non-verbal assessment that measures creative thinking abilities specifically related to visual and spatial domains. The CTC can be administered to students in grades Pre-K through 12.
- The CTC measures creativity through the following four dimensions, as well as providing an overall creativity score: Originality, Fluency, Flexibility, Elaboration, and Overall Creativity Score.
- The CTC identifies individuals with strong creative abilities who are overlooked by tests focused on general intelligence.
- The CTC can be administered in 30 minutes.
- The CTC is nonverbal and will identify highly creative students in underserved populations.
- The CTC measures creative thinking skills, which are often not assessed in traditional intelligence tests, making it a valuable tool for identifying and nurturing creative talent to promote equity and inclusion.
Cebeci Test of Creativity (CTC)
Frequently Asked Questions
- How is the scoring of the CTC interpreted?
The Cebeci Test of Creativity (CTC) assesses students across four key dimensions of creativity: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. Each of these dimensions is scored and converted into percentiles that reflect how a student's performance compares to a grade norm. Additionally, an Overall Creativity percentile is calculated as a comprehensive measure.
- Fluency measures the number of relevant ideas generated.
- Flexibility assesses the ability to produce a variety of different ideas or approaches.
- Originality evaluates how novel or unique the ideas are.
- Elaboration looks at the level of detail and development in the ideas.
Here's how the percentiles are generally interpreted:
- 85th to 94th percentile: The student is considered Highly Creative.
- 95th percentile and above: The student is deemed Exceptionally Creative.
Please note that while these are common benchmarks, individual school districts might set different cut-off points for identifying creatively gifted students. For instance, a district might choose to use a 98th percentile as a criterion to identify the top 2% of students in terms of creativity for specialized programs or gifted education. - How early can students take the CTC?
The CTC is available for students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. Younger students might need assistance from their teacher to read the text in the tutorial section. The actual test is visual.
- How do I take the CTC?
1. Login to your Teacher dashboard
2. Scroll down until you see “Cebeci Test of Creativity” on the right side of your screen
3. Click the button "Click Here to Take the CTC" - How often should the students be tested?
Renzulli Learning activities have been research proven to increase creativity, so we recommend testing every year to monitor student creative development.
Depending on the objective of the retesting, students can be tested once a year.
- If the purpose of the CTC was for screening or identification, schools typically don't retest students.
- Some schools/districts retest once a year to monitor creativity development
- Some schools in Italy use the CTC for pre and post semester evaluation, so schools retest 6 months after the initial test. - What advantages does the CTC offer over other creativity assessments?
Here are some reasons why the CTC stands out amongst other creativity assessments:
- More cost-effective
- Offers faster evaluation
- Culture-independent
- Suitable for low socio-economic and at-risk students- Fully figural (no text in the test apart from the tutorial section)
- Multi-language support
- Measures the four creative domains: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration - What benefits do districts receive when they use the CTC with Renzulli Learning?
Imagine going to a hospital and undergoing blood tests as requested by your doctor. After receiving the results, you discover that your CTA values are below normal and ARD values are ultra-high. But without treatment, these test results become irrelevant. Similarly, without utilizing the Renzulli Learning, the CTC is just a number for students and teachers. Renzulli Learning offers activities to develop and strengthen students creativity by using their interests to engage them in learning.
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