Single Sign-On Services
Does your school use an “SSO” – a single sign-on service – to help your teachers and students easily manage passwords and access technology subscriptions seamlessly? Or are you often frustrated by students forgetting their passwords, using the wrong username, or simply taking too much precious time hunt-and-pecking their way there? There are many SSO’s to choose from, some free and others for a cost. If you are not yet using one, encourage your administration and your IT staff to look into it! It will save you precious classroom time that often is wasted over the confusion of students trying to remember the correct login credentials for each program.
Renzulli Learning includes “Sign in with Google,” which aids the login process if your students are already signed into an individual Google Apps account, such as when they log into a Chromebook. Other SSO’s go a step further, to assist with data management, which eases the registration process and student movement within and out of your school or district. Renzulli Learning is currently integrated with Clever and we will be coming online with ClassLink this summer. Check them out today to make your “New School Year Transition” process simple and easy!
If you are using a different SSO, please contact us at [email protected] to let us know which one you are using and our Tech Development Team will get right on it!